Dolina mgieł…
Wyjazd na wschód słońca, jak zazwyczaj – podyktowała prognoza pogody. Meteogramy ICM dobiły do końca skali, jeśli chodzi o…
November 10, 2019Wyjazd na wschód słońca, jak zazwyczaj – podyktowała prognoza pogody. Meteogramy ICM dobiły do końca skali, jeśli chodzi o…
November 10, 2019Beautiful Polish golden autumn. Have a look!
February 21, 2018Suknia / Dress – Salon sukien ślubnych FLOSSMANN Fryzjer / Hair saloon – Studio 84 Miejsce / Place– Rudawy Janowickie
October 19, 2017Do you like to get up early? I mean like really early, before the sun. Probably not, but you…
October 19, 2017Sometimes it’s just a matter of waking up early enough… All the photos taken with my favourite lens combo – Sigma 35/1.4 Art…
November 9, 2016It was a summer hikes month! Lots of photos, so be patient as it may take a moment to load.…
September 30, 2016A short summer walk in the Góry Sokole. I don’t think there is an English translation, but it literally…
September 24, 2016The reward you get for getting up early! Mist was rolling trough the hills and valleys for about two…
November 6, 2015