Dolny Śląsk, Poland, Travel
Śnieżny Śnieżnik
Śnieżnik derives from the word for snow, probably because the mountain has snow cover for up to eight months a…
February 26, 2019Śnieżnik derives from the word for snow, probably because the mountain has snow cover for up to eight months a…
February 26, 2019The Owl Mountains. It supposed to be the first springy hike of 2017, but… the weather had a different…
June 2, 2017Few shots taken while walking through Wroclaw’s parks. All with Sigma 35mm f1.4 Art – unbelievably great and sharp…
May 27, 2016The weather forecast was very promising – clear sky, no wind, sunny for the whole day. I couldn’t resist…
April 21, 2016