2016 diary, Monthly review
March 2016
There’s luck in leisure. I did not abandon that part of my blog, it has been hugely delayed… so let’s go…
June 30, 2016 -
Dolny Śląsk, Jizera Mountains, Poland, Travel
A night to remember
What do you think if someone says that world is polluted? Air pollution, water pollution, food pollution… but there…
June 28, 2016 -
Dolny Śląsk, Poland, Travel
Canola fields
Do you like the smell of canola? I love it, always reminds me of the long Polish summer evenings!
June 9, 2016 -
Dolny Śląsk, Karkonosze National Park, Poland, Travel
White powder
That day was the perfect example how quickly the weather can change in the mountains. It kept changing all day –…
April 27, 2016 -
2016 diary, Monthly review
January-February 2016
First two months of 2016 brought quite a few changes… from extreme sadness to happiness. Sad / Happy /…
March 6, 2016 -
2016 diary, Monthly review
December 2015
I decided to start a new series on my blog – photography review of each month. Mountains / Forests…
January 2, 2016 -
Czech Republic, Karkonosze National Park, Travel
Mumlavský vodopád
Mumlavský vodopád is located on the outskirts of Harrahov in Czech Republic, just A few kilometres away from the Polish boarder. It’s a…
December 15, 2015 -
Dolny Śląsk, Karkonosze National Park, Poland, Travel
Alone in the winter
I started my walk before sunrise from the Okraj mountain pass (1046 m), heading to Śnieżka peak (1602 m). For…
December 5, 2015 -
Australia, Mudgee, NSW, NSW, Travel
Wine and hike trip
Few days trip to Mudgee wine region and Blue Mountains National Park. A lot of photos in this post,…
November 13, 2015 -
Dolny Śląsk, Poland, Rudawy Janowickie, Travel
Polish golden autumn
The reward you get for getting up early! Mist was rolling trough the hills and valleys for about two…
November 6, 2015 -
Dolny Śląsk, Karkonosze National Park, Poland, Travel
Above the clouds!
It was a great day in the mountains. -8°C and foggy in the valleys, but perfectly clear and sunny…
October 25, 2015