I walked trough the bridge
Harbour Bridge is the world’s largest steel arch bridge. It cannot be missed while you’re in the city. Probably…
August 26, 2016Harbour Bridge is the world’s largest steel arch bridge. It cannot be missed while you’re in the city. Probably…
August 26, 2016The day we stood at the highest point of Australian mainland – 2228 meters above the sea level, named by…
July 20, 2016Two days in Warsaw seen through the viewfinder of Fuji X100s.
July 6, 2016Ceremonia ślubna nad brzegiem ocenu / Wedding ceremeny by the ocean – Terrigal, Australia
July 5, 2016There’s luck in leisure. I did not abandon that part of my blog, it has been hugely delayed… so let’s go…
June 30, 2016What do you think if someone says that world is polluted? Air pollution, water pollution, food pollution… but there…
June 28, 2016Do you like the smell of canola? I love it, always reminds me of the long Polish summer evenings!
June 9, 2016Few shots taken while walking through Wroclaw’s parks. All with Sigma 35mm f1.4 Art – unbelievably great and sharp…
May 27, 2016That day was the perfect example how quickly the weather can change in the mountains. It kept changing all day –…
April 27, 2016The weather forecast was very promising – clear sky, no wind, sunny for the whole day. I couldn’t resist…
April 21, 2016First two months of 2016 brought quite a few changes… from extreme sadness to happiness. Sad / Happy /…
March 6, 2016